Content MarketingDigital Analytics

Personalize Content To Connect With Your Audience And Build Loyalty

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Each one of us like special treatment, don’t we? Like a message or any content exclusively addressed to you. Isn’t that a kind of awesome feeling? So this is what we refer to as Personalize Content.  

Personalization is not only a detail or an add-on when it comes to Content. It is an important part of your Content Marketing Strategy. Nowadays, consumers are becoming more techno-savvy and hard to please; that’s why the brands are moving towards more personalized Content to grab consumers’ attention.

Personalized Content is a strategy for delivering relevant content to the target audience based on the interests and liking of your audience with a personal touch. More precisely, sending emails or SMS addressing the customer by their name. Also, it can be suggesting schemes or discount offers according to the spending pattern of the consumer.

Read the article for a beginner’s guide to content marketing strategy.

How does Content Personalization work?

  1. Extract Customer Data

Extracting Consumer Data is the most crucial part of your strategy. Capturing data starts with summing up the necessary code to the backend of one’s webpage. From there, one can collect data points like clicks, abandoned shopping carts, purchase history, likes, interests of the viewers. Data –  like how many times a person has clicked to view your product on a website, has he added to their wish list, or directly added to the cart, how many times has a person launched on your site and how much time have they spent surfing there. All this information and many more can be extracted, which is further categorized.

  1. Analysis of the data

Capturing data is where we start from, but your analytical skills are put to the test in this stage. Your analytical skills will decide how much does your gathered data proves to be valuable. After all the data is gathered, we need to analyze it thoroughly, which will allow you to make customer profiles so that you can categorize consumers according to their traits.

  1. Plan of action

After analysis and categorization, you are left with various consumer profiles with their personal preferences. So, you need to plan according to it and assign them with targeted Content, the stuff they are looking for. Most importantly, the Content should have a personal touch; it should be exclusively addressed to the beneficiary.

  1. Implementation 

Now that your plan of action is ready, you have all the personalized Content ready, considering your target audience’s preference. So, in this stage, you need to deliver the Content via a favorable consumer medium of contact, i.e., via mail, SMS, call, etc. 

Now let’s see an example of personalized Content.

 As we can see in this image above, it is personalized Content by a ZEE 5 application. You can see the message is directly addressed to the consumer by their name. It is an after-sale service where the brand is inquiring about its experience after binge-watching a show. Also, they are asking if there is any room for improvement from the brand’s side and requesting consumer feedback. This personal touch and regular whereabouts create a sense of Loyalty for the brand within the customers.

 This is another email by a cloth brand. It is a personalized content email acknowledging the customer for the arrival of a new collection of clothes and accessories. It also has a personal recommendation of a few items, maybe considering its shopping history with the brand. Take a look at the subject; it goes as ‘New arrivals JUST FOR YOU.’ These words sum up the whole personalized Content.

Why does Personalized Content Marketing matter for brands?

 Personalization is critical for your business’s success since online is one of the main options for the consumers for buying and selling; if the consumers feel listened to, they will respond accordingly.

The numbers don’t lie.

  • Personalized emails tend to deliver six times higher transaction rates.
  • Virtually all 96% of marketers agree that personalization advances consumer relationships.
  • 80% of respondents say they saw a measurable uplift in their business from their Personalization Campaign.
  • 89% of digital businesses are investing in personalized Content. These companies include big names like Coca-Cola, Netflix, Sephora, USAA, and Wells Fargo.
  • Lack of personalized Content generates 83% lower response rates in an average marketing campaign.
  •  Personalization can reduce acquisition costs by 50%. It also lifts revenues by 5–15% and increases marketing spend efficiency by 10–30%
  • Personalized Content facilitates repeated purchases in almost 44% of consumers. 
  • 91% of consumers are more likely to appear with companies with personalized Content and recommendations.
  • Around 74% of online shoppers are frustrated when web content doesn’t target their interest.
  • Marketers see an average increase of 56% in sales when they use personalized experiences.
  • 92% of marketers reported using personalization techniques in their marketing.
  • According to the consumers, 90% of consumers are willing to share their behavioral data if the brand provides benefits.
  • 59% of customers say that personalization influences their shopping decision.

Source –

Personalized Marketing strategy differs from B2C and B2B according to the type of audience.


Personalized Content Marketing for B to C

Personalized Content Marketing for B to C is more or less generally the same process as mentioned before. B to C is a business setting where the businesses directly connect with customers to sell their products and services.

Gone are those days when traditional forms of advertising – TV and radio commercials, newspaper ads, calls, etc. – were enough to satisfy consumer’s demands for company and product information. The new consumer is more knowledgeable and knows about the marketing tactics. So, these old methods are not going to convince them to buy your product.

Read my article to know the secrets of catchy content page design

Thus, brands need to adopt new technologies and tactics to please their consumer. One of which is personalized content marketing. Instead of bombarding all customers with the same content, brands should go the other way around and add a personal touch to every content or message for your consumers. Content can be of different types such as email, video message, recommendations, SMS, etc.

Product recommendations “Inspired by your shopping trends/browsing history” are commonplace – as are messages that say “Customers who bought this also tend to buy this,” followed by a list of personalized recommendations of additional products that the retailer’s algorithms, “think” will interest the User.

Consider all the online streaming platforms such as NETFLIX, AMAZON PRIME. When you log on to their application, the site gives recommendations like, ‘Hey (users name) because you watched “STRANGER THINGS,” we might have a perfect series for you to watch today. And also, all the online music platforms like Spotify, Gaana, Apple Music suggest you some top picks, “Hello User, here is today’s hot trending list just for you. So, what are you waiting for? Plugin your earphones and enjoy some good music.”

Personalized Content Marketing for B to B

Business-to-business (B2B) is a typical transaction between businesses involving two business entities, manufacturers and retailers. Business-to-business refers to a business conducted between companies rather than between a company and individual consumers.

Personalizing the B2B buying experience not only converts a usually cold, robotic transaction into a human exchange but also paces up what tends to be a longer sales cycle. However, it’s easy for B2B sellers to think that their prospective consumers don’t buy with the same sentiment that B2C consumers do, therefore making personalization somewhat not necessary.

Surely having a website where dozens of prospective buyers can land at any moment means it’s better to have a general approach and create a “one-size-fits-all” strategy? But, while B2B buyers are more logical and goal-oriented than consumers as a whole, they still seek out personalized experiences.

Even though B2B content personalization is still improving in its first stages, it’s one of the biggest marketing trends and deservedly so. As a B2B company, using personalization will give you an edge over your competitors in customer acquisition, so it’s worth implementing sooner rather than later.

Thus, implementing a personalization strategy in a B2B setting will make these cold transactions more effective and human. And would attract more prospects.

Now, what are the sources of Personalized Marketing?

Types of Personalized Content

Nowadays, the consumer is fully expecting personalization in every campaign run by brands. Here are some of the examples of personalized campaigns that can lead to a great deal of success.

Personalized Email

To meet increasing consumer inclination towards personalized content, marketers are striving to establish Email Personalization as an important aspect of marketing strategy. A personalized mail is a mail sent by brands using subscriber’s data to provide them with more apt offers and ensure a good communication experience.

Personalization is a lot for email marketing. It enables brands to send more pertinent emails based on personal information that their users voluntarily share when subscribing to your email newsletter. There is a wide range of options for personalized email usage: from mass emails with personalized subject lines to behavior-based trigger emails like abandoned cart emails, reactivation emails, birthday emails, or recommendation emails.

Watch this video to make your email campaigns high performer.

One of the best strategies you can use is email automation when it comes to personalized email marketing. Email Automation is whereby you use email marketing software to automatically send emails to subscribers based on specific criteria defined by you. One way of using automation is to send personalized emails based on the actions they take. These triggered or behavioral emails are a great way of making a subscriber feel like you know them.

Above is an example of a personalized email. It is a recommendation email by SEPHORA. It has suggested some personalized picks for the subscriber. The suggestion is as per the most recent purchase by the subscriber.

Read this article to know about email marketing so that you can turn a profit.

Custom Video Messages

A personalized video is a video that has been customized to each viewer. Customization is achieved by inserting personal elements such as the viewer’s name, email, job title, profile image, company name, logo, etc., directly into the video.

Everyone loves to be felt special. That’s why adding some details into personalized video content, like your subscriber’s name, company, or photo, is the ideal way to engage and please your audience. You can use personalized videos to increase email conversions, boost landing page sign-ups, increase event attendance, make nurture more personal, improve customer satisfaction, and more.

Although this type of personalization is maybe memorable for your subscribers, it can be time-consuming without the appropriate automation technology. So, one needs to be sure that they have the tools and resources needed to make this as scalable as possible.

This is a campaign run by a brand. They send personalized Diwali Greeting video messages by a model to their loved ones who can’t celebrate Diwali with their family, so this is a personalized celebrity video message for them. 

Read this article to know about email marketing software to grow revenues

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Want to know what attracts conversions, fear, or fear of missing out. As humans, we carefully seek out information that could be considered vital and get anxious when we notice we are missing out on something very distinct. 

By letting them know how many other people are presently looking at the very same product or have already bought it recently, e-commerce sites are incorporating FOMO personalized messages as a way to convince customers that they need to purchase before leaving. These messages are frequently brief and to the point while requiring very little effort from a marketers’ standpoint.

Everyone has a fear of missing out. The brands use this feeling in their favor. These are also a kind of personalized email. Such emails compel the customer to purchase the products as soon as possible as they may have a limited period offer or limited edition. This always works in the brand’s favor. 

This is an example of FOMO Emails. As we can see, they have mentioned a limited period sale—a flash sale of 50% off. To further tempt the customers, they have given a click-through “SHOP NOW.”

Social Media Marketing

Social Media is another platform for personalized content marketing. When we talk about the advantages that social media offers us, one of the more commonly mentioned ones is that social media allows brands to establish and develop close personal relationships with their audience. If done right, brands can use these relationships to forge a loyal consumer foundation that feels deeply attached to the brand and the products they sell.

 Social media marketers have a large amount of data and information at their hands, yet not many of them make use of it as much as they should. Apart from using these insights to boost your marketing, you could also use data to personalize your social media messages. If you should start leveraging one social media marketing strategy, it’s personalized marketing or personalization.

 Retargeting is one of the practices of sending targeted advertising messages on social media to people who’ve already interacted with your website in some way or another. So, for example, if someone read one of your blog posts, visited your pricing page, added the product to their shopping cart, etc., you can target these persons with a separate, personalized message, showing dynamic advertisements of the same product they had checked earlier at your site. Or, after they made a purchase, show them ads of additional products.

Sponsored Content is another option. Again, we might have experienced, all that we do on our Social Media accounts are somewhere supervised. Like whatever we chat with our friends, colleagues, whatever we like, comment, share is monitored by the brand side, and based on that, we always get some sponsored ads or messages from the brands.

Just by mentioning MBA in one of the Instagram chats, the sponsored advertisement of an institute appeared in the Instagram Stories.

Advantages of Personalized Content Marketing

Personalized Content Marketing implements a strategy by which companies deliver individualized content to recipients through data collection, analysis, and automation technology. The main goal of personalized content marketing is to truly engage customers or prospective customers by communicating with each individual.

There are various advantages of personalized content marketing for businesses and consumers also. When strategies are executed successfully, the following benefits come into play:

A better Consumer Experience

 In Marketing, we say that “CUSTOMER IS THE KING.” Part of the reason personalized marketing is so effective is that it makes the message more relevant to users. A customized offering not only helps you acquire new customers but helps you create stronger bonds with your existing ones. 

If the consumers are satisfied and your sales have increased, that hints that our strategy is executed well. Consumers feel wanted and think about the personal touch in every Content, which attracts them again and again towards the brand.

Increases Brand Loyalty

 When consumers provide brands the information and data, they expect to be treated as unique individuals with specific preferences. As a result, businesses that dedicate time and resources to implement successful personalized marketing strategies will benefit from a competitive advantage in brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Consumer engagement and feedback

Consumers may feel comfortable giving their feedback, filling out surveys, and providing personal information if they get back something in return, such as a coupon or a discount on their next purchase. Through direct customer feedback, companies gain customers’ data and preferences to inform how they personalize the user experience.

Higher revenue

If marketers know a customer’s preferred communication channels, they can target their efforts on those channels to drive a purchase. For example, suppose a customer frequently visits a company on its website and social media page. In that case, the marketer may focus on those channels, provide product recommendations based on expressed interests and customize the experience. Suppose customers enjoy what a company offers them, both in terms of experience and product. In that case, they may purchase more from that company and return multiple times, resulting in a boost to its ROI.

Challenges before Personalized Content Marketing

Now let us see some challenges in personalization. 

Overload of Information

Consumer service pros who know and share too much information about customers and their history or inclination are borderline off-putting. Sure, customers share their personal information over time. And it’s important to note preferences and track their order history. But detailing all of that back to consumers is personalization gone overboard.

Discovering the Right Technology

One of the biggest problems with personalized content marketing comes from outdated technology that does not fit this mobile era. A key element of personalization marketing success is data collection and automation. Unfortunately, many brands struggle to find a smart content personalization engine that meets consumer’s needs.

Time and Resources

With the right technology, the brand also needs appropriate software for the execution of the strategy. Also, they will require a fully dedicated team. Also, this is not something you can achieve overnight. One needs to invest time and resources to implement the strategy successfully.

So, here we can conclude that despite all the challenges before Personalized Content Marketing, there are more perks of using this strategy successfully. If you organized all the Content strategically, this type of marketing could surely be a boon for your brand. So, write down in the comment how you personalize content.

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