Online CoursesSocial media marketing

Enroll In Social Media Marketing Course To Explode Your Business

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Are you are a marketer or business owner trying hard to build a social presence? And you are wondering whether social media marketing courses can help you? Whether they are worth your money? Keep reading to learn more about SMM courses.

So you are working hard to teach yourself the basics of Social Media Marketing and trying your hands on various social media platforms. 

First of all, this is the right way to get started on your social media marketing journey. It’s how you exactly understand the working of any social media.

But now that you have applied all the tricks that you consumed through free content available on the internet, you will start to wonder what’s next? Is this knowledge enough? How do I tackle the advanced level of social media algorithms? Do I need to invest in a Social Media Marketing CourseIs an internet marketing course really worth it?

If you are reading this, there are chances that you must be a professional, student, freelancer, influencer or business owner who’s looking to level up your social media marketing skills.

You keep stumbling upon digital advertisements on marketing programs, webinars, Social media and Digital Marketing courses that promise to teach you everything about social media marketing. But these courses involve a massive time commitment and aren’t free of cost.

So you can’t help but wonder, are these online courses in social media marketing worth all your time and money? Having doubts, questions and anxiety before making commitments are normal.

I’ll help you overcome the uncertainty of whether you must invest in a smm course or not. I have covered the benefits of learning social media marketing, followed by the features you must evaluate before choosing a social media marketing course to accelerate your business growth. Finally I share a list of the best social media marketing courses 2021.

Facts: According to Statista, the number of active social media population worldwide is 4.2 bn.

Also, the impact of social media on society is increasing multifold.

Importance Of Learning Social Media Marketing 

Annually, the numbers of brands, small businesses, solopreneurs, online business owners, entrepreneurs are increasing. As a result, the demand for social media management is also growing. Hence, you have to equip yourself with profitable marketing strategies to grow a business.

Listed below are the benefits of Digital and social media marketing over traditional marketing:

  • An easy method to put your brand in front of the public.
  • Social media marketing is more cost-effective.
  • Social media platforms allow more people to learn about your product or service and build a solid customer base.
  • Builds brand credibility.
  • Enables competitor analysis 
  • Quick communication about brand deals, new product launches to the followers.
  • Prompt customer feedback

As a Social Media Marketer, you need to research appropriate content to post, optimize profiles and posts, find ways to increase organic search, monitor traffic, improve metrics, and run ads on social media handles.

This brings us to the importance of gaining knowledge on social media marketing through structured learning via a social media marketing course

 Each online platform like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest is vast and has its algorithm. Also, these platforms are intricate and constantly changing.

Read my blog – 25 Guaranteed Tips to Rock your Marketing Strategy for Facebook – to understand various strategies to attract your audience on Facebook.


How Can A Social Media Marketing Course Accelerate Your Business Growth?

I know everyone wants to get a hold of the procedures, proven templates and tactics that drive insane results through the courses. But, not all online social media marketing  courses are designed equal. However, you can’t ignore few factors while picking up a social media marketing certification course

This section will provide you with the various aspects you must consider before selecting or enrolling in SMM courses.

Impart Knowledge Beyond Procedures 

I will give you a gist of what you must expect in an SMM course so that you can tackle your practical hurdles in social media marketing.

Also check out my article on A complete guide to collaborative advertisements on Facebook

social media marketing certification course must teach you how to: 

  • Determine the right social media platform for your business and how to create strategies for targeting.
  • Set solid quantitative goals and identify KPIs

For example, increase the number of followers, create brand awareness or increase revenue x times through marketing campaigns within a timeframe (6 months or one year).

  • Create and maintain a community and encourage audience interaction.
  • Understand your target audience and the customer journey.
  • Do persuasive writing to establish your brand’s voice on social media
  • Strategic Planning of your social media calendar – Content for posts, surveys, videos according to your target group.

Pro Tip: Check out my YouTube video on Social Media Strategy and Planning

Practical Projects And Case Study

An online course in social media marketing can’t just bombard you with reading materials, videos, audio files and some additional templates to download. It’s not how you learn the online digital platforms and their intricate algorithms.

The course must present you with step by step and layered content which allows you to learn social media marketing through practical implementation. It must make you practise one thing before moving onto the next.

The course must prompt you with the practice sessions and give you clear guidance on how to practise.

Now, while you are doing the course exercises, you will come across various hurdles, for which you require support from a community of learners. It brings us to the next point – Community Access.

Read the article on top Social Media Campaign Strategies to Rock Your Brand



Access To A Community Of Learners 

A good Social media and Digital Marketing Course will grant you access to a private community or network. It is the most beneficial aspect any program can offer because you get access to infinite resources.

First, you connect with a community of learners and like-minded peers, sailing in the same boat as you are.

Second, you gain knowledge from the community through their questions, doubts and client experience.

Third, when you take up a self-study SMM course as a solopreneur or freelancer, you will feel alone in your learning process. But an active private community will keep you motivated and push you forward in your journey.

Forth and most importantly, a course community will allow you to ask doubts and get clarifications on your course lesson. Also, you can submit your assignments for peer review.

Next up, another support to expect in an online SMM course is access to the mentor.

Mentor Support

Any genuine social media marketing training course will provide access to the mentor or a community support manager in one way or the other. Every training program will have a different approach for this, based on the course creator, course modules and the price point.

Most of the course creators provide mentorship through the private community or email support. In some cases, they will also conduct weekly or biweekly coaching calls where you can interact one on one with your mentor. 

Also, the course creator will hold your access to coaching calls for a specific duration, depending on the training plan.

Help Build A Personal Brand

One of the primary focus of social media marketing course must be to make you realize the importance of building a personal brand on social media platforms. Whether you are a social media manager, strategist, influencer or social media consultant, your brand will help build a vital relationship with your target market.

Personal branding is vital because:

  • It will establish you as the selling point for your product or service.
  • People get to see the face behind the business that creates more trust in their minds.
  • Personal branding will make you stand apart from the competition and build faith among your prospective clients.
  • It will strengthen your online business by building a reliable client network.
  • Personal branding will help build brand partnerships in social media for your business.

Well-curated SMM courses will fast track your marketing career by teaching you to build a personal brand to ignite your online business.

Monetization Strategy

Of course, the Google search result shouldn’t surprise you. Monetization is the ultimate result for any brand or business. Every social media influencer and strategist is looking for ways to monetize their social media profile. 

Online courses in social media marketing must equip you with various ideas to monetize your social media account.

You must have clarity on whether you want to sell a product, offer a service or advertise other services. A SMM course must guide you in deciding a suitable monetization strategy for your business, what’s involved in that, and the resources you’ll require for the same.

Some techniques you can learn for monetization are Affiliate marketing, influencer marketing or through sponsored posts.

Hence, a good SMM course must teach you a social media content plan combined with an effective monetization strategy.

I have a Booster Blueprint to monetize social media inside my SMM course.

Now, you might do a web search for “online SMM courses” or, you might also search for “social media marketing courses near me“. There are high chances that you are confused by the tons of Google resources and couldn’t decide on the right course for you?

Read the ar

To ease your problem, I have compiled a list of best online courses in social media marketing to kick-start your learning.

Top 10 Social Media Marketing Courses To Help Grow Your Online Business

A good SMM course can speed up your journey as a Social Media Marketing Manager, influencer, consultant or strategist and give you a massive leg-up that you can’t have otherwise. 

  • Professor Seema Gupta – Social Media Marketing Bootcamp 

The Social Media Marketing Bootcamp course created by Professor Seema is the best social media marketing course that teaches you the exact blueprint to dominate social media. 

The SMM Bootcamp course will equip you with:

  • The strategies to boost engagement on Instagram without any Ad spend
  • Create Facebook Ad campaigns to generate 1000s of leads
  • Build a personal brand and get clients through your LinkedIn network
  • Blueprint to boost your YouTube views
  • Algorithms of Social networks and more

About The Instructor:

Professor Seema Gupta is an ex-faculty of IIM Bangalore having 10+ years of experience in Digital Marketing. She has trained over 10,000+ professionals and spurred the growth of various global companies through marketing consultations.

Instructor Professor.Seema Gupta
Course Inclusions Social Media Algorithms
  Set up successful lead generating Ad campaigns
  Target customers with laser focussed strategy
  Blueprint to monetize social media
  Strategies to influence followers
  Insane YouTube growth strategy
  Pro tips on building a personal brand on LinkedIn
  Facebook marketing strategy
Duration of course content 11+ hours (self-paced)
Access to Community Yes
Certificate Yes
Paid Yes

Enroll on Prof.Seema’s Social Media Marketing Bootcamp course to learn her laser-focused lead generation strategies and guaranteed customer engagement tactics.

Social Media Marketing Mastery – Udemy

This Social Media Marketing Courses Udemy teaches you the principles and strategies to be highly successful at social media marketing. You can gain knowledge on building engagement via likes and account followings via this course. Also, this Udemy course helps you devise an optimized paid ad strategy for various social media platforms.

Learn social media marketing from beginner to advanced level from this Udemy SMM course.

Instructor COURSE ENVY
Course Inclusions Instagram, Twitter and Facebook Marketing
  YouTube Marketing
  Content Marketing
  Social Media Ads
  LinkedIn Marketing for business
Duration of course content 9.5 hours (self-paced)
Access to Community Yes
Certificate Yes (On Completion)
Paid Yes

Social Media Marketing Specialization – Coursera

This social media marketing Coursera is a six-module specialization course. It teaches you how to utilize various media platforms like blogs, social media, video platforms like YouTube, real-time analytics to achieve your business goals.

You earn a certificate after completing each module with the hands-on project.

Instructor Randy Hlavac (North-western University)
Course Inclusions Marketing Strategy
  Content Advertising
  Business Planning
Duration of course content Approximately six months to complete (Self-paced)
Access to Community No
Certificate Yes 
Paid Yes

Social Media Marketing Course Online – SimpliLearn

Simplilearn’s SMM course is an advanced level training course suitable for marketing managers, sales professionals, and digital marketing executives. This course trains you to become a social media specialist by teaching you strategies, content planning and social media KPI.

It’s an online social media marketing course with certificate. Simplilearn awards you certification after completing their Social Media Exam.

Instructor Curated by SimpliLearn
Course Inclusions YouTube and Video Marketing
  Facebook Marketing and advertising
  Social Media Tools
  Content Marketing
  Web Analytics
Duration of course content 65 hours (Self-paced)
Access to Community Yes
Certificate Yes 
Paid Yes

Social Media Marketing Foundation – LinkedIn Learning

This LinkedIn Learning is a social media marketing course with a certificateIt trains you with effective communication methods on social media channels and marketing strategies. Also, the course teaches you to connect with customers through entertaining, educating content and promotional messages.

Instructor Brian Honigman
Course Inclusions Social Media Strategy
  Publishing on Social Media
  Customer Interaction
  Selling on Social Media
Duration of course content Self-paced learning
Access to Community No
Certificate Yes 
Paid No

SMM Fundamentals Course – SEM Rush Academy

This course gives you knowledge of social media platforms and insights into content marketing. A certificate will be awarded after completing an SMM Mastery examination.

Instructor Neal Schaffer
Course Inclusions Social Media Marketing background
  Importance of content
  Knowledge of social platforms
  Digital Relationship marketing
  Traditional and visual social platforms
Duration of course content 4 hours (Self-paced)
Access to Community No
Certificate Yes 
Paid No

Facebook Certification – Digital Marketing Associate (Facebook For Business)

It’s one of the advanced social media marketing certifications. The Facebook Blueprint is an official certification for Facebook ads and ad products. You can prepare through the free exam courses available on the platform to crack the certification exam.

Instructor Curated by Facebook
Course Inclusions Establish a presence on Facebook
  Advertising basics
  Create and manage ads
Duration of course content online self-paced
Access to Community No
Certificate Yes (on completion of exam-paid)
Paid No (Free learning resources available)

Copy Blogger – Internet Marketing Course

Copy Blogger’s course is free training on Internet Marketing available in an email course format. This course offers extensive content with 16 eBooks and 20 emails. It helps you to discover marketing techniques and strategies to become an online marketer.

Instructor Brian Clark
Course Inclusions Content Marketing
  Building relationships
  Lead Generation
Duration of course content Email course
Access to Community No
Certificate No
Paid No

Udemy Social Media Marketing Course – The Step By Step Guide 

This Udemy social media marketing is suitable for beginners who wish to start their journey on social media marketing. Online marketers, bloggers, social media managers, business owners can make use of this short course to gain basic knowledge on SMM and branding.

Instructor Liagat Ali
Course Inclusions Social Media Marketing campaign for online business
  Researching and Targeting
  Reverse engineer competitor content
Duration of course content 2 hours(self-paced)
Access to Community No
Certificate Yes
Paid Yes

Social Media Marketing Course – Hub spot Academy

The Hub spot academy offers this social media marketing course with a certificate. This Certification course aims to teach you strategies, set up social listening and moderation, digital advertising to create brand awareness for generating more inbound leads for your online business.

Instructor Crystal King
Course Inclusions Social Media Strategy
  Social Media Listening and Monitoring
  Content Strategy
  Creating social media reach
  Social Media Advertising
Duration of course content 4:15 hours (self-paced)
Access to Community No
Certificate Yes
Paid No

Final Word

Now is the time to monetize your skill as a social media marketer, given the boom in the online world. 

So, what’s stopping you? Become a skilful marketer by taking up a social media marketing course.

Good luck! Rock your journey.

Share in the comments which SMM course you wish to enrol in.

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