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Insane ideas to channelize YouTube views to money [Video]

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You are bored with your work and you want to freshen up, what would you do?

You will turn to YouTube, isn’t it?

Do you know YouTube has 2 billion logged-in monthly users!

YouTube is a platform of excitement and opportunities.

From education to entertainment, it is filled with knowledge, humor, entertainment, and what not! 

YouTube is not just limited to learning and entertainment, but it has become a source of income for many people across the globe. You too can make 6 figure income on YouTube.

Let me give you a brief idea of how to channelize YouTube views on money.

First things first, you need to decide your content!

Why is this the first step?

Content is king! You will be known by your content.

For example, if you are good at making people laugh then you can open an entertainment channel or if you love cooking, you can put your recipes on YouTube or if you are good with mathematics then teach mathematics to people.

There is no end to it! 

There is a simple rule ‘either be the first or be the best’.

Growing your YouTube channel

This is a struggle every Youtuber goes through, including me. I am sharing some of the tips I used and those I learned along the way.

Build your content around a single Theme

This is the ‘why’ people will watch your channel.

For example, Amit Bhadana is known for his desi humor videos. He is one of the fastest-growing YouTubers in India. He recently became the first Indian YouTuber to cross 20 million subscribers!

Another great example is carryminati, he is often referred to as the ‘best roaster of India’.

His ‘to kase h aap log’ is now a tagline!

Likewise, find you’re ‘why’, and dedicate yourself to it!


Don’t take this part lightly, this can make or break you.

For example, even when you surf on YouTube, you tend to click on the video with interesting thumbnail. 

Having a good thumbnail will attract more traffic on your channel. You can build a catchy thumbnail using Adobe Photoshop or using plenty of options online tools.

According to YouTube one of the most effective ways to increase the views of your video is to have an attractive thumbnail.


Video Upload Frequency

This is a mistake many make. Ideally, you should post around 2-3 videos per week depending upon the nature of your content

Initially, you may not get views and subscriptions but it is okay. You first need to focus on your content and should post it regularly.

Analytics will help you to analyze your mistakes. You can see what works best for you.

For educational content, your frequency should be one video per day whereas for a vine channel you can upload one video per week!

Understanding the YouTube Algorithm

YouTube is continuously making changes in the algorithm. You have to keep yourself up to date if you want YouTube to help you grow!

For example, YouTube was earlier focused on click-through rates and watch time but now YouTube also accounts retention rate of users! 

Technically speaking higher watch time will give your videos a better chance to appear on suggestions but it is of no use if your viewers are not enjoying it!

If your YouTube videos have a higher retention rate, then you are more likely to grow your channel!

Remember, it is ultimately your views for which you would be paid!

Don’t simply try to extend the timing of your videos just for the sake of more watch time it would backfire.

Proper Use of Keywords

The right keywords, coupled with the right content is unstoppable. Doing keyword research has become easy with tools like tube buddy and video.

You can use a free Google chrome extension called tube buddy!

Tube buddy will help you to choose a better title for your video based on the search volume and competition.

I have searched ‘How to channelize YouTube views’

For this the search volume is low and the competition is very high and the overall score is also not good. So, it is not a good title for your video.

It will also help you to know what keywords other creators are using!

Tubebuddy gives you a sneak peek into your competitors’ strategy which you can use to learn from and avoid making the same errors they make. It will also help you to see which keywords are performing best for them and which are not!

Once you have done your keywords research it is time to use them smartly!

Use only the relevant keywords in the description because the YouTube algorithm will study your title, description, and your tags!

Too many keywords will be punished by YouTube. Keywords should be longtail keywords. Check the score on keyword revealer or some tool. UsingLongKeyword will help you build an audience before you target a more competitive area.

Put some keywords from your title too! It will increase the rank of your video in the search. 

Give importance to filling up the details of your video. Your content is the king but every king needs an army and the keywords and the title are your army which will make your content stronger and make you content king!

Make Content which has Potential to go Viral

When I say ‘viral’ people are like ‘yehhumsekaha ho paega’, well let me tell you something. 

There are two ways to grow your channel

  1. Posting the videos continuously and slowly-slowly you will gain subscribers. It is going to take a lot of time and frankly speaking it takes years to get first 100k subscribers! Most of them give up!
  2. Trying to make videos that can go viral and wait for that one video that gives you the ‘ultimate push’ to your YouTube channel. This is the case with maximum YouTubers no matter what your niche is!

Most of the YouTube channels grow with the video going viral. You just have to put videos and wait for that one day when one of your videos gets tons of views and that will be your changing point!

How to Make Viral Content?

What if I tell you that viral videos are no more just miracles happening overnight?

You can plan and make a video which can give you millions of views!

Have a look at this channel:

This is the channel of one of the fastest-growing YouTubers Mr. beast. Some analysts suggest that he will soon surpass the greatest YouTuber of all time Pewdiepie who has over 104 million subscribers!

He is gaining around 1 million subscribers per month, getting more than 300 million views per month and earning close to $600,000 per year.

So, what is the viral formula?

Viral videos usually come under one of the categories:

  • Reaction videos
  • Money related video
  • Pranks
  • Challenges
  • Featuring some celebrity
  • Drama

So, what is it that Mr. Beast is doing differently?

There are mainly 4 factors behind his success!

1)Multiple Categories

This means that he makes his videos that contain more than one category of viral video!

For example, if you see his videos then you will find out that in many of his videos he is collaborating with the big YouTubers and doing a challenge which is related to money and he records their reaction!

So, in one video he covered 

  • Featuring some celebrity
  • Challenge
  • Money
  • Reaction
  • Drama

How genius is that!

You too can do it! All you have to do is spend some time and plan your content.

2)Making people click on the video and stay!

This is what everybody struggles with! So, what is he doing differently?


If you see his titles you will find that his titles have ‘Shock Value’ and they are short and snappy!

For example,

‘I ate a $70,000 golden pizza’

‘This is $1,000,000 in food’

I mean just look at the titles! Who wouldn’t click on this one?

People are watching YouTube every day and they won’t click on your video if it does not stand out.

Try to find a creative title for your video and I would suggest you take some time and give the best title anyone can think of!

  • Thumbnails

Most of the people are on their mobile phones so, unlike computers, thumbnails are much more visible to the people.

His thumbnails are simple and more graphical. This will grab the attention of the people and they click on the video!

Remember, I am not telling you to go for clickbait! His videos are genuine so it builds the trust of the people whenever they click on such titles.

3)Fast pace videos

His videos are longer than usual but you won’t get bored! It is because his videos are fast-paced. What I mean by that is he changes the frame every 15-20 seconds and he takes up the excitement higher and higher.

Great strategy, right?


The video starts will a lot of enthusiasm and will show a summary of what is going to happen in the video.

The interesting part of the video is played beforehand will hook up the audience and it will make them stick which eventually increases the watch time.

Even YouTube says that the first 15 seconds of your video decides whether people would stay or not!

So, always be more focused on the start because if you manage to hook your audience at the start then they are more likely to stick throughout the video.

So, this was the viral video making formula for your success. Now, it is your turn to make the next viral video.

How to get YouTube views to Money?

Well, monetizing means to earn money from your content by enabling ads on your content. When your channel gets popular and you get the traffic, you start earning money.

Requirements for monetization:

There are some basic requirements that your channel needs to get monetized.

  • You should have at least 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel. 
  • Your channel should have at least 4000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months.

Your content must follow the YouTube guidelines and policies.

For example, here is an example of a channel that has completed 6,418 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers. The green tick indicates that the channel satisfies the condition and hence, can be monetized.

If you want to get free 1000 YouTube subscribers then I will highly recommend you to read this article – Where to get 1000 free YouTube subscribers.

Once your channel meets these requirements, you can then register for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).

To sign up for the YouTube partner program (YPP), follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. Click your profile picture on the top right corner.
  3. Click on YouTube studio.
  4. Click monetization on the left menu
  5. If you are still under the required threshold then you can click notify me. 
  6. If you meet the threshold then click start on the review partner program terms card.

Once you have signed up the terms, YouTube will mark this step with a green done sign.

Now, to receive the payments you need to have an Adsense account. As you fill-up the form, you will need to connect your Adsense account.

Now, click start on the sign up for Google Adsense card.

If you already have an Adsense account, you can use the account which is approved. You can add as many channels as you want to a single Adsense account.

If you don’t have an Adsense account then you can follow the steps to create one for you.

  1. Visit the Adsense website
  2. Click on sign up now.
  3. Enter the URL of your site for which you want to activate the Adsense account.
  4. Enter your email address.
  5. Click save and continue.
  6. Sign in to your google account
  7. Select your country
  8. Accept the terms and conditions of the Adsense account
  9. Click to create account
  10. You will be then signed in to your new Adsense account.

Now, after creating your AdSense account, you need to activate it to show ads on your channel and earn money.

You will find a list of tasks on your Adsense account homepage, you need to complete these tasks.

There are three simple steps.

  • Connect your site with Adsense
  • Enter your payments address details
  • Verify your phone number

After you do that, click on done or submit.

Your work is done here, now YouTube will review and make sure that your account meets the requirements. This process usually takes a few days and in some cases, it may even take up to 2 to 3 weeks.

After this, you can set up ads on your channel and start receiving payments.

Ways to Earn Money

Youtubers not only earn from the ads but there are a lot of other things also through which you can earn money. 

Advertising Revenue

In this, you earn money through the ads played before and in between the video. Companies will pay you for their advertisement. 

YouTube will take a certain percentage of your revenue which you will earn through advertising. Usually, it is 40%.

To get this benefit you should be a minimum of 18 years old. Since many young creators are coming up, If you are not 18 above, then you can use your guardian’s account for the same.

For example, whenever you play any video on YouTube you will find ads playing before the video. Sometimes, ads also play in between. This is how companies promote their product. 

Channel membership

This is a new feature that YouTube has introduced. In this, your subscribers will do recurring monthly payments in exchange for some special perks you offer.

The minimum required to avail of this service is that you must be a minimum of 18 years old and must have a minimum of 30000 subscribers.

For example, you must have seen a join button on YouTube. That is how the subscribers join the community and they get some special perks offered by that particular Youtuber. 

Merchandise shelf

In this, your fans can buy branded official merchandise from you. This is becoming very popular nowadays. For this also you need to be a minimum of 18 years old and must have at least 10000 subscribers.

Most of the YouTubers have multiple sources of income because YouTube is not a stable platform. Merchandise shelf is one of the most effective ways to generate revenue.

For example, you must have seen t-shirts, mugs, etc. below the video. People can buy that merchandise and for every purchase they make you earn money.

Super chat and super sticker

This feature is mainly used by the live streamers. Your fans will pay you to highlight their chat on the stream. Your fans can pay you any amount and there have been cases where fans have paid up to 10000 rupees. You have to be a minimum of 18 years old to avail of this service.

For example, many youtubers do a live gaming stream and they earn through super chat. If you have ever watched any stream, you will see names appearing on the screen stating “Anuj donated/funded 500 rupees”. This money is paid through a super chat.

YouTube Premium Revenue

In this, YouTube will pay you a subscription fee according to your watch time. YouTube will directly pay you money in this. Your YouTube payment will be transferred to your account.

You have to understand various terms related to YouTube.

YouTube earnings per view– There is no exact amount that you get per views. The amount varies from $.10 to $0.30 per view. On average, you can earn $0.18 per view.

Cost per click – This is a very famous term in this industry. It is an internet advertising model used to divert traffic to various websites. You get paid when someone clicks on the advertisements appearing on the video. 

The cost per click varies from country to country. European countries have a higher cost per click than India. So, if someone from Europe clicks on the advertisement you will get paid according to the prices of Europe.

For example, if you play an advertisement on your video and people from all across the world watch and click on the advertisement. So, your cost per click will be according to the number of clicks in different countries. You will receive the payment of that particular country.


Many companies will pay you to promote their product directly on your YouTube channel. They will directly contact you and you can set up your charges according to your subscribers.

For example, dynamo and carryminati are one of the top gaming streamers of India. New games often approach such gamers to promote their gaming brand!

Sponsorships can pay you even more than your video makes from Adsense!

Affiliate Marketing

You can promote the products of various companies and earn through affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing alone has a huge market globally

For example, if you open the description box of the videos, you will often find links to various products. When you click on it, you will be directed to a website through which you can buy that product and the YouTuber will get paid by the company in the form of commission.

Check out these articles

How to do Affiliate Marketing in India

A Quick Guide to Flipkart Affiliate Marketing

Ways to earn Flipkart affiliate commission handsomely

Using YouTube to earn from other platforms

Once you start gaining traffic, you can also divert the traffic to other platforms like your Instagram handle and blogs. If you have the traffic on your Instagram, you can start earning from there too.

For example, you have a YouTube channel related to fitness and in the meantime, you started a fitness blog. All you have to do is promote and put the link in the description and you can easily increase the traffic on your blog

This is how to get money from YouTube and use YouTube to grow your other platforms.

If you want to learn marketing on Instagram then I highly recommend you to read this article – Become an Instagram marketing expert

What we have learned so far

YouTube is a great platform to showcase your talent and earn money at the same time. It has a huge potential and it can help you grow.

  • Content is like your Aadhar card in the YouTube world. You will be known for your content and by your content.


  • The most important thing to become successful is to work and grow your channel.
  • Once you reach up to a certain mark, you must sign up for Adsense and YPP to receive your payments.
  • Once you have enough traffic, you can earn money by diverting your traffic to various platforms.


And now I would like to hear from you! Which strategy from today’s post are you excited the most? Or maybe you doubt something you read. Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below.

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  • Youtubers not only earn from the ads but there are a lot of other things also through which you can earn money. Let’s take a look at them:

    • Advertising revenue: In this, you earn money through the ads played before and in between the video. Companies will pay you for their advertisement.
    • Channel membership: In this, your subscribers will do recurring monthly payments in exchange for some special perks you offer.
    • Merchandise shelf: In this, your fans can buy branded official merchandise from you.
    • YouTube premium revenue: In this, YouTube will pay you a subscription fee according to your watch time. Your YouTube payment will be transferred to your account.
    • Affiliate Marketing: You can promote the products of various companies and earn through affiliate marketing.

    To increase the Youtube subscribers, check out the article to do YouTube views hacking in the right way.

To sign up for the YouTube partner program (YPP), follow these steps.

  • Sign in to your YouTube account.
  • Click your profile picture on the top right corner.
  • Click on YouTube studio.
  • Click monetization on the left menu
  • If you are still under the required threshold then you can click notify me.
  • If you meet the threshold then click start on the review partner program terms card.

You can increase YouTube views easily, check out the article to know the popular ways to increase YouTube views.

There are some basic requirements that your YouTube channel needs to get monetized.

  • You should have at least 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel.
  • Your channel should have at least 4000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months.
  • Your content must follow the YouTube guidelines and policies.

If you want to get free 1000 YouTube subscribers then I will highly recommend you to read this article – Where to get 1000 free YouTube subscribers.

You can make viral content by:

  • Make the videos of Multiple categories.
  • Give your videos attractive titles and thumbnails.
  • Start the video with a lot of enthusiasm and will show a summary of what is going to happen in the video.

You can easily increase your YouTube views. Check out this article for Getting free YouTube views.

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