Seema Gupta and Menaka Rao (2018). “ Videocon DTH: In-film Branding,” HBSP Case IIMB 677 registered with Harvard publishing.
J. Ramachandran and Seema Gupta (2016). “DDB Mudra Group: Transformative Growth,” HBP Case IMB 569-570 registered with Harvard.
Gupta, S. (2015) “Volkswagen India: Das Auto Digitally,” IIMB Case No. IIMB513 registered with Harvard.
Gupta, S. (2014). “Dainik Bhaskar Group : Aspiring Growth,” IIMB Case No. IIMB461 registered with Harvard.
Gupta, S. (2013) “Nielsen: Market Research for Pantene,” IIMB Case No. IMB419 registered with Harvard.
Gupta, S. (2013) “Volkswagen in India,” IIMB Case No. IMB443 registered with Harvard.
Gupta, S. and Mahadevan, B. (2011) “Indcoserve: Stirring Up,” Winner of ISB-IVEY Case Competition 2011, IIMB Case No. IMB345 registered with Harvard.
Gupta, S. (2011) “Coke-Pepsi: From Global to Indian Advertising,” IIMB Case No. IMB387 registered with Harvard.
Ramachandran, J. and Gupta, S. (2010) “The Park Hotels: Designing Experience,” IIMB Case No. IMB373 registered with Harvard. Winner of EFMD 2011 Award.
Gupta, S. (2011) “Bosch in India,” IIMB Case No. IMB409 registered with Harvard
Gupta, S. Mishra, K and Maheshwari, A. (2013) “Procter & Gamble India: Gap in the Product Portfolio,” IIMB Case No. IMB433 registered with Harvard.
Gupta, S; Gupta, T. and Shainesh, G. (2018) Navigating from Programme Loyalty to Company Loyalty, IIMB Management Review, Vol 30, Issue 3, Pages 191-284.
Gupta, S. and Gupta, T. (2017) Involvement with Experience: A Path to Brand Loyalty, Indore Management Journal, Vol 9, Issue 2, Pages 1-16.
Gupta, S. (2016) “New Perspectives on Communication of Change in Corporate Identity,” IIMB Management Review, Vol 28 (2).
Maity, M. and Gupta, S. (2016) Mediating Effect of Loyalty Program Membership on the Relationship between Advertising Effectiveness and Brand Loyalty, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 24, Issue 4, Pages 462-481.
Gupta, S., Maity, M. and Pandey, S. (2014) “Sponsor, Ambusher and Others: Consumer Response to the Three Strategies,” Vikalpa.
Gupta, S., Maity, M. and Pandey, S. (2014) “Sponsor, Ambusher and Others: Consumer Response to the three Strategies,” Vikalpa, Vol 39 (1).
Gupta, S. (2012) “Fighting the Advertising Battle,” Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 4, Issue 2.
Gupta, S. (2012) “Strategic Interdependence between Experience Marketing and Business Strategy,” Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 4, Issue 3.
Gupta, S. (2011) “Enhancing the Role of Corporate Communications: A Practice-based Approach”, Corporate Reputation Review, Vol. 14, No.2, pp 114-132.
Gupta, S. (2007) “Professionalism in Indian Public Relations and Corporate Communications: An Empirical Analysis”, Public Relations Review, Vol.33, No.3
Gupta, S. (2003) “Event Marketing: Issues and Challenges”, IIMB Management Review, Vol.15, No.2
Rakesh Mallipeddi, Ramkumar Janakiraman, Subodha Kumar and Seema Gupta (2017). “Evolution of Social Media Sentiments for Individual Human Brands:Evidence from Indian Election,” INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), October 21-22, Houston. ·
Gupta, S, Gupta, T and Shainesh, G. “Navigating from Program Loyalty to Company Loyalty,” 14 th Annual International conference on Management & Marketing, Athens Institute for Education and Research, 27-30 June, 2016, Athens, Greece. ·
Rakesh Mallipeddi, Ramkumar Janakiraman, Subodha Kumar and Seema Gupta(2015) “Evolution of Social Media Sentiments for Individual Human Brands:Evidence from Indian Election,” Production and Operations Management Society(POMS) Annual Conference, May 8 – 11, Washington, DC. ·
Gupta, S., Gupta, T. and Shainesh, G. “Involvement with Experience: Activating theImpact of Brand Experiences on Brand Attitude and Loyalty.” Presented at the Emerging Markets Conference 2015 during January 20-22, 2015 at IMT Dubai ·
Maity, M. and Gupta, S. “The Mediating Effect of Loyalty Program Membership onthe Relationship between Advertising and Loyalty.” Presented at the IIM Lucknow International Conference in Marketing and Emerging Markets, January 9-11, 2014.
Gupta, S., Maity, M. and Pandey, S. “Sponsor, Ambusher and Others: Consumer Response to the three Strategies.” Presented at the IIML International Conference in Marketing on Shaping the future of Research in marketing in Emerging Economies:Looking Ahead, at IIM Lucknow Noida campus, January 13-14, 2012.
Gupta, S. “Bosch Ltd: Migrating and Building the Brand,” Presented at the 13th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image and Identity in Amsterdam, May 28-30, 2009
Gupta, S. “Corporate communications: A practice oriented approach,” Presented at the international conference on “Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness” in Beijing, China, May 29-June 1, 2008
Pandey, S and Gupta, S. “Measuring Sponsor-Event Brand Personality Fit and Its Association with Recall and Recognition.” Presented at the Third AIMS International Conference, organized by Association of Indian Management Scholars and Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, IIM Ahmedabad, Janurary 1-4, 2006.
Gupta, S. “Effectiveness of ICC World Cup 2003 Sponsorship Vis-à-vis Ambush Marketing.” Presented at the Third AIMS International Conference, organized by Association of Indian Management Scholars and Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, IIM Ahmedabad, Janurary 1-4, 2006.
Gupta, S. “Professionalism in public relations & corporate communications: An empirical analysis.” Presented at the international conference on “Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness” organized by Reputation Institute, Madrid, Spain, May 19-22, 2005
Participated in “Brand Conclave” organized by CII and addressed by Al Ries and Laura Ries, 2003
Participated in Adasia, an international convention on advertising, in Jaipur, 2003
Participated in conference on “New frontiers in marketing strategy” by North American society for Marketing Education in India (NASMEI) at Indian School of Business, 2002.
Participated in Frames 2002, a convention on Entertainment Industry by FICCI, 2002
Participated in Case Study Workshop at Management Development Institute (MDI), 2002.
Gupta, S. and Gupta, A. “Developments in the Indian banking industry.” Presented paper at conference organized by North American Society for Marketing Education in India (NASMEI) in Udaipur in 2000.
Presented paper on “Social responsibility in the global economy” at International conference, organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Udaipur in 1999.